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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Welcome back to MEEEE! and Kombucha

I have had a very long recess from blogging.Life has thrown a few curve balls  and I have not really had the time or motivation to write.I am still working on my studies so have learned massive amounts of info since the last time I posted.It is exciting and sometimes overwhelming.We have had many changes in our lives starting with moving.But we love our new area hand we are closer to My in-laws which has been a blessing too. We are also very close to our church now and we love that and the community.My daughter was diagnosed with a wheat /gluten allergy last year and the more we learned about it ,it seemed that the other two kids and I also had a lot of symptoms.We have gone gluten-free as a family and it has been a journey.After baking and cooking this way for a year now it no longer seems hard.There are so many yummy things that we have adapted to gluten-free (even doughnuts) that we do not feel deprived at all.Sure we can't go order pizza or eat most processed foods in the store but who wants that trash anyway?It has been a blessing in disguise.My son has completely recovered from tourettes and has very little focus issues anymore since changing his diet.It has helped me with my skin .I know longer get the breakouts .YAY! I willl be sharing gluten-free recipes as well raw recipes here.I eat about 80 to 85 % percent raw  and that leaves room for beans and a few things like that ,that are essential for our health.Unless you are very disciplined and get regular bloodwork done you can easily get deficiencies on an all raw diet and the Lord has led me to this balance .
Okay,now on to kombucha.There is a lot of controversies on it but I maintain that it is a healthy supplement to our diet when done correctly. Back to balance.We maintain alot of the Body Ecology principles that I learned earlier so try to keep my diet full of probiotic rich foods and drink.When a lot of good bacteria are in your gut it crowds out the bad things.Kombucha is one of those probiotic rich drinks.It is very cleansing to the liver so you need to start slowly.Also sip on it instead of drinking fast.We sip on it at meals or prior to help enhance the enzymatic activity for digestion.Fermenting things increases it's vitamin and mineral content tremendously and also makes b12  while helping our body systems make b12 as well.Many are deficient in this major vitamin.B12 can only be produced by bacteria.
We make our own kombucha as it is soooo much cheaper and tastier than store bought.Here is how:
Heat 1 gallon distilled water in a pan with one cup sugar.Once hot add 6 green tea bags and let steep till lukewarm.Pour this into a gallon glass jar and add 1 kombucha scoby(this is the mother)
Let this sit for a week to 2 weeks the first time.When it is fizzy and slightly sour it is ready.Your other batches will ferment faster so keep an eye on it.It will turn to vinegar if fermented to long and then I use it just like I would vinegar and also for baking.
So where can you get a scoby.Check online, or at raw food potlucks and with fellow healthnuts.Anyone that is making kombucha will practically beg someone to take some scoby's of their hands.They multiply like crazy.This brings me to the topic fro next time.What to do with all those scoby's? Got some great tips for you.I will also further elaborate on how to majorly increase the nutritional content of your kombucha. Have a great day!!

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